Autism and other mental health issues usually tend to appear within my works, as they are subject's that I hold close to my heart. I feel they are issues that are frequently misunderstood, a lot of people are generally unaware of how these issues affect peoples lives.
I try and portray a first person view on these difficulties, to try and make these subjects more apparent to viewers. In doing this I hope that the viewers gain some sort of emotional experience, and better understand the issues endured through mental health.
Some of my works also act as a personal narrative, a venting system in which I turn my difficult past into something that is more cope able. I do this by converting the negative experience into a surreal beauty, of colours and mystical landscapes. By making these pieces it brings me more clarity, allowing myself to take control of my problems. In doing these works I hope that some of the audience can find an emotional link, to help them get through their hard times, letting them know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Acrylic on cardboard.
Acrylic on canvas.
Oil and acrylic on canvas board.
Acrylic on canvas.
Acrylic and oil on canvas.